name is Dr. Audrey Smeltzer-Schwab and I volunteered to take care of judging at PJAS Region 3 competition. This position was previously held by Megan Basile, who sent out a save the date. Well, now it’s time to register!
On Saturday, February 26, 2022, junior and senior
high school students affiliated with the Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science Region 3 will present their science, computer, and math projects at Northampton Community College, Bethlehem, PA. The competition is run in two sessions. Students share powerpoint
presentations of their research. Junior high students present in the morning and senior high students present in the afternoon.
We need your help to promote the appreciation of
science, technology, and math in today’s young people. Help us provide a meaningful experience for them as they develop an interest in these disciplines.
Please consider donating your time and talent to
serve as a judge of these presentations. Judges can volunteer for either the morning or the afternoon session or for both. A background/ training session is available before each session along with judging rubrics. No experience with previous judging is necessary.
If you are available to help or have any questions,
please contact me. You can sign up with me via email or on the region 3 site: https://www.pjasregistration.com/v1/
If you are available all day, we would greatly appreciate your help. If not,
let me know what session you can do (AM or PM). We
are also asking that if you bring students to the competition, you sign up to judge.
also share this information with friends and colleagues!
Thank you in advance for your help!