Presenter Information

LVPCA seeks to provide its members with current, relevant knowledge to its CE program attendees.  If you are interested in presenting a program, we invite you to submit a proposal to the current CE chair. As an APA-approved sponsor of CE programs, we utilize the APA guidelines for reviewing proposals.  These guidelines include, but are not limited to, the following:


This requirement must be met by at least one of the following:

  1. Program content has obtained credibility, as demonstrated by the involvement of the broader psychological practice, education, and science communities in studying or applying the findings, procedures, practices, or theoretical concepts;
  2. Program content has been supported using established research procedures and scientific scrutiny;
  3. Program content has peer reviewed, published support beyond those publications and other types of communications devoted primarily to the promotion of the approach;
  4. Program content is related to ethical, legal, statutory or regulatory policies, guidelines, and standards that impact psychology.

LVPCA Continuing Education Program Proposal Form

  • Please put each presenter on their own line.
    • a. Objectives should be phrased in the following format: “As a result of this training, participants will be able to…”;
    • b. Each objective should be written in empirical language including a measurable verb (see chart below);
    • c. At least one objective per intended CE credit is required. (i.e., For a 3 CE program, at least 3 objectives are required.);
    • d. Each objective must be directly tied to an academic, peer-reviewed reference from which the material for the presentation is derived. Please indicate at least one specific reference utilized for each objective. (see below “References” section).

    Verbs to consider when writing learning objectives

    Verbs to avoid when writing learning objectives

    list, describe, recite, write, identify Ä know, understand
    compute, discuss, explain, predict Ä learn, appreciate
    apply, demonstrate, prepare, use Ä become aware of, become familiar with
    analyze, design, select, utilize
    compile, create, plan, revise
    assess, compare, rate, critique
  • [approximately 200 words]: The description must include the following information:
    • a. All learning objectives, in narrative form;
    • b. The type of content (e.g., lecture, seminar, or workshop);
    • c. The intended audience of the program (e.g., licensed psychologists, social workers, graduate students, etc.).
  • References must be:
    • a. Current (e.g., within the last 10 years);
    • b. At least one reference for each learning objective must be from a peer-reviewed academic source;
    • c. Written in APA format. (see examples below):
      • i. Slade, A. (2008). “Mentalization as a Frame for Working with Parents in Child Psychotherapy”, Chapter 10, from Mind to Mind (Eds.), Jurist, Slade and Bergner. Pgs. 307-334.
      • ii. Luepnitz, D. (2009). Thinking in the space between Winnicott and Lacan. International Journal of Psychoanalysis. 90 (5) pp 957-981
  • [approximately 100 words]: A short bio of the presenter(s) should include any titles, degrees, or roles the presenter currently holds that are relevant to the program material.
  • Please upload copies of the current curriculum vitae:
    • a. presentation outline//written content on which presentation will be based (e.g., PowerPoint slides with presentation notes are acceptable)
    • b. supplementary materials intended for distribution (e.g., PowerPoint slides, notes, handouts, etc.). If none are intended, please indicate “No supplementary materials.
    Max. file size: 512 MB.
  • Please list any audio/visual and technology equipment or capabilities that you will require for your presentation.
  • Please indicate any potential conflict(s) of interest. (i.e., There must be no commercial support for proposed program nor any relationships between the CE sponsor, presenting organization, presenter, program content, research, grants or other funding that could be reasonably construed as conflict of interest UNLESS a disclaimer is explicitly announced and notated somewhere on written materials concerning such a conflict of interest.)
  • For APA approval, CE program presentations must explicitly include an explanation of:
    • The scientific basis for the material presented;
    • The utility/validity of the content/approach discussed (including the basis for the statements about validity/utility);
    • Any limitations of the interventions discussed and/or alternatives to interventions represented in the presentation;
    • Most common (and severe) risks, if any, associated with the program’s content;
    • Relevance to and/or limitations with regards to diverse populations;
    • Strategies for implementation with underserved populations;
    • The following statement verbatim: “Lehigh Valley Psychological and Counseling Association is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Lehigh Valley Psychological and Counseling Association maintains responsibility for this program and its content.”
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.